ln 1970 a small group of people (led by Shirley Hounsel) was interested in preserving the history of Agriculture in the Eastern Cape. She then formed a working committee to establish an Agricultural Museum in the Historical village of Bathurst, in the heart of Settler Country. A quick survey revealed that there was an abundance of material available while no suitable building could be found. Temporary accommodation was made available by the Bathurst Agricultural Society. A team of volunteers using borrowed trucks immediately set about collecting suitable items and in no time filled the building. As there was no suitable buildings for a museum of this kind, the Bathurst Municipality In 1978 donated a tract of land to build one.
In 1978, the first building erected, later named the “Geoff Palmer Hall”. This was officially opened by Dr Douglas Hey (then Director of Nature Conservation) who stated that the Museum was of importance not only to Bathurst but also to the whole of South Africa. In 1981 an addition of 60ft was built and completed.
Starting with only 30 items the collection has grown rapidly and now we have over 1 900 items, many which are both rare and unique ! As our collection has been growing, a second building was completed in 1986 and is now known as the “AG Griffiths Hall” also known as “Griffy Griffths Hall” where about half of the tractor collection can be seen.
A third large building was started in 1988 and completed only in 1995. During this time the “HH Norton Shed” was re-erected on its present site and known as the “Stationery Engine Room”

A Plough made on the farm Tharfield (near Port Alfred)- in 1821 by the Bowker brothers. This plough can be seen in the 1820 Settler’s Museum (Grahamstown- Eastern Cape)

Today’s machinery is tomorrow’s History.